No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by mik_s »

Something happened to your UMS.conf and it was not loaded so still was not in trace mode.

Code: Select all

WARN  2024-01-10 19:47:23.841 [main] Can't load C:\ProgramData\UMS\UMS.conf: Unable to load the configuration from the URL file:/C:/ProgramData/UMS/UMS.conf
When you edited UMS.conf was UMS running? If so it might overwrite or even corrupt the file.
Because of this UMS has created a fresh bare-bones UMS.conf file.

On the plus side I could see when you restart the server it is skipping the steps of loading transcoding engines so that is why initiation is finishing and your PS4 is detected.

The output from that command matches what I get so I don't see how that is causing the error. Hopefully if you can get Trace mode working it will reveal the problem

I also saw this error that is probably related to stopping anything appearing on your devices but without context I don't know the cause.

Code: Select all

error while generating answer
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.pms.dlna.virtual.MediaLibrary.isEnabled()" because the return value of "net.pms.PMS.getLibrary()" is null
	at net.pms.dlna.RootFolder.addVirtualMyMusicFolder(
	at net.pms.dlna.RootFolder.<init>(
	at net.pms.renderers.Renderer.getRootFolder(
	at net.pms.PMS.getRootFolder(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpChunkAggregator.messageReceived(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.FrameDecoder.unfoldAndFireMessageReceived(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.replay.ReplayingDecoder.callDecode(
	at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.replay.ReplayingDecoder.messageReceived(
	at org.jboss.netty.util.internal.DeadLockProofWorker$
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
What was your previous issues with UMS? It could be related. UMS should uninstall normally so don't know why it didn't work for you.
Are you using an antivirus? Maybe it had locked access to parts of UMS.

Try adding the trace option to UMS.conf again and you can confirm UMS is in trace mode by looking at the bottom of the logs tab and it should say Trace.
You could also set this here too but quit and restart UMS so I can see how it starts up.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by gottuhaveit »

Like I said in my previous post I was not 100% sure I added the trace line correctly but here is a screenshot of what it looks like inside the UMS folder. After adding the line you suggested I clicked on pack debug files and not trace. Is this the reason why it did not perform the task to get the information you need? I will do this again so you can see what is going on but like I said, I am not 100% sure I added the line correctly. I am fairly sure I needed to click on trace before packing the files or is it supposed to be in trace mode already with that line added. Yep I am definitely lost in the forest somewhere. lol
The previous issue was when UMS opened up it would open directly to the web interface. I believe I checked here about the issue & there were instructions about how to disable it & I did so but do bot remember the process I used. I updated UMS after making the change & it worked fine until recently.

Yes I don't know why but I still am not able to completely uninstall UMS & that's y I mentioned it. I do not know if that is causing my issue. After u respond about the correct procedure for debug logs. Like I said already, after I opened, then restarted UMS I did not click on trace, I only clicked pack debug files. Is this the reason UMS didn't perform said task
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by mik_s »

I was just saying confirm that it says Trace on that screen and if not then change the dropdown to trace and quit and restart UMS, then repeat the steps to replicate the problem like pressing restart server till UMS appears on your PS4 then try to access it on the PS4 before packing the logs.

When you said it opened your web browser the first time this is what it should do. Here you can set up a username and password to access the web settings.
This is mainly allows you to setup UMS on a remote computer but keeps prevents others changing settings. If you don't need this then you can disable authorisation.

Once the web settings open there is an option to prevent opening them each time UMS starts but there was a bug in previous versions that prevented this option from saving.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by gottuhaveit »

Sorry dude what screen do you mean with trace. Can you post a screenshot. yep I am a dummy lol thanks

update: nvm I found what you are talking about and will post the bug again later. Thanks for all your help

update: Took forever for UMS to find my renderers but hopefully I finally have the debug information this time. I used the drop down window like you said and dropped it to trace and then clicked on pack files. Hope I got it right this round and if not let me know what I need to do. Thanks again for all the help. Oh and by the way, is there anyway at all you can help me uninstall UMS completely? I was wondering if that can be causing my issue but it actually worked fine after failing to uninstall I just reinstalled over top of it. I even tried clean installs and for some reason I cannot completely uninstall UMS with windows uninstaller or revo pro uninstaller. smh

Update: Ran another trace on UMS so there will be 2 logs. The first time it took forever and a year for the renderers to be found. The second time the renderers came quickly. I also noticed that when I close UMS and then start it there are to icons for UMS in my hidden apps in the taskbar. I could not get UMS to connect to any renderer when the 2 icons were present. I rebooted my pc and then only 1 UMS icon came up and then it finally connected to my renderers correctly. The only issue is something is blocking my renderers from accessing the files on my pc & yes I have the shared folder selected with my movies and the box is checked to scan on startup so I have no idea what is blocking the files on my pc. Also the first debug log was done with all my virus protection and security turned off. The file I did after the first file has 2nd in it and it is the one on top.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by mik_s »

Your logs were still not in trace mode.

There is something you said that may explain things. There should only be 1 UMS icon in the tray area, if there are more then you have multiple versions of UMS running and they will conflict with each other. This prevent you editing UMS.conf in a text editor or changing setting as the other one will replace what you change. It will also stop you from uninstalling UMS as it is still running and the files are still in use.

Check your task manager to see if UMS is running. It may show as "javaw.exe". I use process explorer to replace task manager and that is what it shows for me but might just show as UMS or "Universal Media Server" in the original. Make sure you kill each process then you should be able to uninstall.
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This is your original UMS.conf file from your first logs, I have edited it to be in trace mode. You can copy it to "C:\ProgramData\UMS" when UMS is not running.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by gottuhaveit »

ok sorry for not understanding everything in this process but I am trying my best. When I turned my samsung tv on this morning it showed 2 instances of UMS on my tv. I am going to attach a copy of task manager with it open showing services. It shows the service for UMS is stopped. Forgot to tell you I saw this the other day and started it but since then it has stopped again. It doesnt always bring up 2 versions of UMS on my pc so its super weird its not all the time. Maybe if we could get this completely removed off my computer and reinstalled the latest version it might help, but I am strictly guessing. Ok what I originally did was, I tried to uninstall UMS as I said with no luck, but after attempting to uninstall it and it not being removed completely, I installed the latest version. Pretty sure its in trace mode this round I hope. lol Another strange thing I noticed was my ps4 does not show up in UMS until I click on UMS to start the service on my ps4 and of course like we already know it says it it cannot connect to UMS. Something really strange going on in UMS. I was watching the log files and it keeps checking network configuration over and over and over. Probably normal right? Anyway hopefully this will give you all the info you need so I can fix this issue. I honestly think I need to find a way to totally remove UMS from my pc and then reinstall it but if thats not the issue then I will be waiting on an update. Thanks again

Update: I tried again to uninstall UMS with the windows uninstaller inside the UniversalMediaServer folder under programs and just like before it leaves traces of the program behind.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by mik_s »

I'm staying with family for a few days so not set up to go over your logs but just checked them and it is finally in trace mode this time.
Once I'm back home I'll be able to go over them and hopefully see the problem.

When I was saying check if UMS is running I meant in the processes tab in task manager (I have not used it in so long I can't remember much about it), but that screenshot of your services is helpful and may give a clue.
There is a UniversalMediaServer service there which means at some point you have ran UMS as a windows service, and this will cause conflicts when running UMS normally or trying to uninstall it. That would also explain the 2 instances of UMS on your TV.
That option is for advanced users that know what they are doing for certain situations, and I'm not one of them.

I'm not sure how this works either as its not an option in the conf, it probably installs a version of UMS into the windows services.

Try running "services" from the windows search bar and look for the UniversalMediaServer service and see if you can remove it. I'm not on a windows computer to confirm the exact steps though. If that works you should be able to uninstall and reinstall UMS normally.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by gottuhaveit »

Much appreciation for u taking the time to update me. Definitely was not necessary while ur with family but tyvm. Enjoy & I will check for UMS in windows services, but I'm really not sure how I do that. Took a screenshot of UMS in windows services and I have no idea what how this function works but you said find it under services and delete it and the only way I see to do so is through the registry. When you get some spare time please enlighten me about the infor I have posted here for you. Thanks again

Update: After a more detailed search for UMS under processes. I blew right by it numerous times and the happen to see jdk which I do believe is java and when I click on it the window drops down and UMS is present. Hopefully with the info I have provided we can work this out finally. Thanks again for all of the help you are providing
UMS in windows processes.PNG
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by mik_s »

Unfortunately the trace logs did not reveal the problem like I thought, or is something I missed. I was hoping to see a message saying a file or port was in use.

I tested the install as service option on my computer and it does appear in the services and the same keys appear in regedit.
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I thought the option "install as service" would change to "uninstall service" on the old GUI but it does not. It might have done on old versions and is broken now, or it never did this.

I found this guide on uninstalling a service.
Might be easier to open a CMD prompt in admin and run "sc delete UniversalMediaServer" which should return "[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS".
I just tried it and it does remove it from my services after refreshing it.

I think because it was installed as a service at one point it is causing all these problems so definitely delete it and reboot your computer then you should be able to completely uninstall UMS and reinstall selecting the clean install option to remove all traces of the previous install. Once UMS starts your web browser will open so you can set the login details for the web settings if all goes well.
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Re: No web interface and ums connecting to localhost 9001

Post by gottuhaveit »

I truly appreciate all the help you have provided for me. I got so frustrated with everything that I downloaded plex to use it but it does not function the same as UMS. I will try the advice you gave me to see if it will indeed remove UMS from windows service. I honestly believe once that has been accomplished the issue will be solved like you said. I will report back after trying the procedure. Thanks again

update: got the service removed & cross my fingers that it works correctly with the service remove. Will update you again when I find out

Update: FML sheez louise I just cannot catch a friggen break. It took me a few tries but I did remove the UMS from windows services but did not do 1 damn thing to help. After removing the service it was bringing up 2 icons at the same time for UMS. After removing the service I managed to completely uninstall UMS with revo uninstaller and all traces of it or so I thought. I reinstalled UMS and everything seemed perfect until I launched the app. Exact same damn thing happened as before and I mean to the T. I had to manually restart the server to connect to my renderers and then somehow UMS or my pc is blocking the renderers from accessing the folder on my HD with all my movies. I am definitely in a pickle now as I have no idea what to do next. I thought for sure once the service was stopped and I uninstalled UMS completely that it would work normal after reinstalling it and of course it did no such thing.
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