"cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

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"cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

Post by freemansteve »

Hi, this is odd and I think this was not a problem a few UMS versions ago...

I usually run UMS on my PC (win 10) to serve local MP3 files to my CA Evo media player (DLNA renderer) through the CA GUI app called "StreamMagic" (SM). While SM sees all my folders, music files, playslists, and all the right cover art, and correctly shows genres, artists etc, if I click on a music file to queue it, SM reports "failed to enqueue". Same with any playlist. If I select, for example, play "from here" the files are loaded and play correctly, so I assume it's not filename or tag issue.

Thinking this was some incompatibility issue with the player, I then tested the same files hosted on my RAID/NAS (which runs a twonky-based DLNA server) and everything loaded perfectly and played as expected on my Evo media player.

I then ran Emby on my PC, pointed it to the same local music folders as used by UMS. It also worked perfectly with my Evo media player.

The only failure is when I use UMS. At startup I have set UMS to scan all the music files and I wait until this completes..

How can I try to figure out what is wrong? I see nothing obvious in the Trace files, but what do I know?

Has anyone seen such a thing, or have a suggestion?
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Re: "cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

Post by freemansteve »

Playing with tags in MP3Tag for a couple of test MP3s, specifically filling in blanking "ARTIST" or "ALBUMARTIST" I seem to be able to get my renderer to load & play files served by UMS. Generally, if I blank the ARTIST tag, and fill in the ALBUMARTIST tag, UMS seems to serve files properly to my media player. Not sure, but seems like a bug or something funny going on with tags. I would have thought any combination of these tags being filled ought to work.

Note that Emby and Twonky work perfectly no matter what i do with those two tag fields in the same MP3 files......
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Re: "cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

Post by freemansteve »

More information.

I have tested a small number of files and permuted various things in MP3Tag to see what does and doesn't work.

Irrespective of the content of any tags, failure seems to occur with any filename containing the string "x - " (something, space, dash, space) AND where the filename is more than 8 characters long. (not including filetype of ".mp3"), so:

"01 - Downtown.mp3" does not work (ie cannot be loaded by my media player)
"01 - Down.mp3" does not work.


"01 - Dow.mp3" does work,
"01-Downtown.mp3 does work.

All variations of file names do work with Emby and my NAS (Twonky).

What is going wrong with filenames in UMS?
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Re: "cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

Post by mik_s »

I think something is going on here and may be a bug. If it is the devs will need to see trace logs to track down the issue.
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Re: "cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

Post by freemansteve »

Thanks for reading my post, and the encouraging reply... I was hesitant to dare to say there may be a bug in the parsing of filenames, or possibly a character set issue, as it is normally presumed that it is "user error" or a problem of third-party media player code! It could still be the latter, but as two other DLNA servers (Emby, Twonky) work fine with the exact same files, I thought it worth being persistent - I spent hours changing file names and restarting the UMS server to get this far, as I am fan of UMS's simplicity!

I am more than happy to report a bug to Cambridge Audio (they're very good), but I would need a bit of evidence that helps them fix their bug, if that's how it pans out.....
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Re: "cannot Enque" in Cambridge Audio Evo Media player

Post by mik_s »

It could also be a how UMS is sending the metadata to your renderer. There has been work to improve what information is available to renderers for music but it is possible something is not quite right in that implementation. Ideally comparing trace logs from UMS and with Emby (if that is possible) will point to where the problem is.
Logs are important for us to help, Please follow This Link before asking for support. Just a forum cleaner, Will help if I can but no expert.
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