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Choppy/studder streaming to PS3, but not to VisioSmartTV

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:11 pm
by thrakazog
:-) I've been troubleshooting the performance of UMS in my house for a while to no avail. It seems that the behavior is more specific to my PS3 and does not exhibit when the renderer is VizioSmartTV (for another device in the house). Both devices are on the same Gigabit Ethernet network but the common server is 100MB. The problem still occurs when I use an awesome laptop with gigabit ethernet nic so I don't think it is the network, especially since the 100MB nic server is able to provide streaming to the VizioSmartTV device. I have seen some things on the internet that point to the PS3 having a very small buffer which seems that the bitrate of streaming DVDs (with no encoding) is perhaps just too much for the PS3 on LAN.

The question is if other people can confirm this behavior (and/or) does anyone know if there is a fix for the PS3??? :-)

I have the most current updates on the PS3 so that can't get better. I've also changed the encoding level from lossless to great and that seemed to help a lot, but perhaps there's a way to leave it lossless on the UMS server, not encode, and also get rid of the choppy playback of DVDs.

Thanks greatly to everyone.