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Subtitle Type Priority

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:42 am
by Madoka
I don't know if many think this is necessary, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

We now have a "Force external subtitles" option which is great. I am wondering if a "Perfer .ass subtitle over .srt" option would be useful.

This is what I am getting at times. I will sometimes end up with 2 different subtitles for the same show, one .ass and one .srt. UMS now seems very good at auto-detecting the language as English in .srt subtitles. It will now correctly detect it even when the .srt is in UTF-8 format when before It could only do so with ANSI files. I generally prefer the styled .ass subtitles, but UMS currently does not auto-detect .ass subtitles as English. In this case, UMS will preferentially play the .srt subtitle files as it only detects it as English which is in my subtitle language priority list. It would be great if UMS would always prefer the .ass file over the .srt for the same show.

This is not a big deal, as I can add ".en" to the .ass file name to manually tell UMS that it's English and then it will use the .ass file...which works, I assume, as it is the first English subtitle file it finds. And yes, I have also manually selected it in the Transcode folder as well.

Thanks for reading.