Genres not showing correctly

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Genres not showing correctly

Post by WsG »

I have UMS
Windows 7
Samsung UE46ES6800

UMS is great. Much better than the Samsung offering.

But on my music there is a problem.

I have MP3s and the metadata is set correctly. Artist Album Etc.

But on my television the Date shows "no Date" and the Genre sometimes displays what the metadata has
but more often it shows something like "Genre_017" or "Genre_135".
If I put "Rock" into the metadata shows "Genre_017" on my telly.

I want it to display what I put in the metadata.

I tried "acne" as a random word into the Genre metadata field and it faithfully shows that on my telly...
But "rock" shows up as "Genre_017"
There are other "Genre_XXX" codes.

Any help please?
And the date?


I have, since posting this query, found the codes I am seeing.

They are "MediaInfo" codes as here = ... .BC.CasMny

Codes 361 thru 509

So I guess the question is :

How do I get UMS to display the verb text of the "genre" rather than the MediaInfo code?

Please help

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Re: Genres not showing correctly

Post by hfboroni »

Well, here we are 7 years later and I'm having this issue! I have about a dozen "generic" genres listed, formatted like Genre_001, Genre_013, etc. I can match them with existing genres (that are populated correctly), but for some reason an album or two get incorrectly pushed off to these weird genres. For example, if the songs under "Genre_013" turn out to be "Pop/Rock", there are far more correctly listed under the actual "Pop/Rock" genre itself. And it does it to all songs in entire albums, not just one-offs.

As a retired software engineer, I did some debugging... The case is the same for those "IN" the right genre and those in the generic offshoot. There are no extraneous character[s] or spaces[s]. Help!

I'm on Universal Media Server 13.4.1, Build date 2023-06-07 using Windows 10 Home on a LG Gram laptop.

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Re: Genres not showing correctly

Post by mik_s »

I don't know anything about this but I just saw your post on GitHub and one of the devs will have some insight into this.

One thing that will be helpful is if you post your logs (see the section in red above) so they can see what is happening otherwise they can only guess. It may be something has broken that fix in recent versions.

Would also help to know what renderer you are using and try others in case the problem is specific to just that one. Does it also happen when using the web player?
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Re: Genres not showing correctly

Post by hfboroni »

Ah, sorry I missed the debug info steps. Just FYI, I have 780 folders under my MediaServer folders, mostly my artist name. Then, under those, folder[s] for their album[s] and MP3s within those. There's a grand total of 2,374 folders containing 19,943 MP3s using 185GB of space. Perhaps already said, I'm on Windows 10 Home on an LG Gram laptop using UMS 13.4.1, Build date 2023-06-07. The issue happens both on UMS' web player and when I use the rudimentary player on Roku (cleverly called "Roku Media Player"). I attached a picture of the UMS web player and those "odd" generic genres are reproduced on Roku.

When I restart UMS in Trace Mode it took quite some time to go through the above files. That is, the "Scanning Folder XXX" in the lower left. That never stopped so I just clicked the "Pack debug files" button (after the log hit about 45MB!) and Zipped the files. I attached the ZIP file and the JPG from above.

Thanks, and good luck!
Web Player Genre Listing.jpg
Web Player Genre Listing.jpg (69.39 KiB) Viewed 1637 times
(3.38 MiB) Downloaded 85 times
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Re: Genres not showing correctly

Post by mik_s »

I had a quick look though the logs by searching for "Genre" and I do see "Genre: Genre_017" showing up quite often in the library scanner.
Interestingly I also see other files being picked up as "Genre: Rock" which as I understand from that link is also "Genre_017".

Here is an example from 2 files scanned at nearly the same time.

Code: Select all

TRACE 2023-07-24 07:50:45.076 [Library Scanner] net.pms.database.MediaTableAudiotracks Adding audio from the database: Audio Codec: MP3, Bitrate: 320000, Channels: 2, Sample Frequency: 44100 Hz, Artist: Alannah Myles, Album: Alannah Myles, Album Artist: Alannah Myles, Track Name: Hurry Make Love, Year: 1989, Track: 10, Genre: Rock

Code: Select all

TRACE 2023-07-24 07:50:45.145 [Library Scanner] net.pms.database.MediaTableAudiotracks Adding audio from the database: Audio Codec: MP3, Bitrate: 320000, Channels: 2, Sample Frequency: 44100 Hz, Artist: The Alan Parsons Project, Album: The Best of the Alan Parsons Project [Arista 1983], Album Artist: The Alan Parsons Project, Track Name: Eye in the Sky, Year: 2008, Track: 2, Genre: Genre_017

I don't know if there is any difference in the tags of these 2 files that could be causing it or a bug in UMS.
It could be helpful if you could post a screen shot of what other programs display for those 2.

Just checked on my computer and the Genre numbers show up for me too in the web player.
Comparing the metadata for those with one that shows correctly they are both the same so I guess its a problem with UMS.
Genre_17 - crazy diamond.jpg
Genre_17 - crazy diamond.jpg (13.88 KiB) Viewed 1631 times
Genre_17 - crazy diamond - metadata.jpg
Genre_17 - crazy diamond - metadata.jpg (27.2 KiB) Viewed 1631 times
Genre Rock - Time.jpg
Genre Rock - Time.jpg (7.15 KiB) Viewed 1631 times
Genre Rock - Time - metadata.jpg
Genre Rock - Time - metadata.jpg (26.37 KiB) Viewed 1631 times
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Re: Genres not showing correctly

Post by hfboroni »

Hey mik_s,!

Thanks for rocking the quick response! I mentioned I'd done some debugging -- no extra space[s], no difference in upper/lower case, those kinds of things. I use AudioShell to set the Properties on my MP3s. (It's a great piece of Freeware.) Again with my programmer hat on, some observations. Note I can't process the data with anything since I can't request a download of the web player content. It's basically by eyeballing what I see comparing " (Genre_017)" vs. " (Rock)"...
1) It appears "all or none", album by album. That is, once it routed "Dark Side of The Moon" to "Genre_017", all songs on that album went there.
2) It may even be that each Artist goes one way or the other(?). I see Bruce Springsteen, U2, Pink Floyd, Peter Gabriel, for example, are "Genre_017". Conversely, The Doors, Eric Clapton, Mike & The Mechanics, and Genesis are "Rock".
3) Yet, for sure, all those artists have the same "Genre" property: "Rock". I did a File Explorer search "kind:music AND (artist:Bruce*Springsteen OR artist:U2 OR artist:Pink*Floyd OR artist:Peter*Gabriel OR artist:The*Doors OR artist:Eric*Clapton OR artist:Mike*The*Mechanics OR artist:Genesis)". Then I grouped by "Genre" and they are all in the same group, "R-o-c-k".
4) Just an observation, for anyone with the issue it seems "Genre_017" is consistently the misdirected "Rock". Are the URLs above the same? That is, does ".../163" always display "Genre_017" and ".../187 alway "Rock"?

Finally, you said, "It could be helpful if you could post a screen shot of what other programs display for those 2." I'll attach a few.

Good luck, Folks! Brings back a lot of memories of long days debugging code!
AudioShell Tag Display, Genesis, Abacab.jpg
AudioShell Tag Display, Genesis, Abacab.jpg (149.52 KiB) Viewed 1613 times
AudioShell Tag Display, Springsteen, American Beauty.jpg
AudioShell Tag Display, Springsteen, American Beauty.jpg (154.01 KiB) Viewed 1613 times
Search Results Grouped by Genre.jpg
Search Results Grouped by Genre.jpg (429.5 KiB) Viewed 1613 times
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